Below is a eulogy prepared for Manten’s memorial, scheduled for July 20 at the Manten Marina in Denysville at 11am.
Dicky Manten, a humble, down to earth, Giant of a man with an incredibly great heart. Well respected by his peers, clients and acquaintances throughout South Africa and around the world, has left this earth to sail the heavenly realms.
He was born in Benoni to Dick and Jenneke Manten. He was brother to Liz Chown, Petra Manten-Minutelli, Dijane Manten and Jaco Manten.
He went to school in Benoni and finished his school career at the Sasolburg Technical High School. He did his military service and when that was completed, he worked in the well-known family business “Dick Manten Boat Builders” with his father. They were one of the most applauded boat builders of their time.
Dicky married Kathleen Ainslie and they had three children, Dirk, Jake and Cassidy and two grandsons, Tyler and Travis. He loved them all dearly and everything he did was for the benefit of his beloved family.
When Dick Manten Snr passed on in 1995, Dicky took over the business and successfully ran one of the best inland marinas in the country together with his wife and later his two sons. His work was synonymous, due to the particular pride he took in completing everything he undertook. He worked ceaselessly, in a very demanding business.
He was a keen sailor and was successful in numerous races both inland and offshore. He loved nothing better than to go out on the water together with his family friends or even just on his own to commune with nature and feel the wind in his hair.
As the head of Seal Point Yacht Club he ran the bridge for numerous races. He hosted many regattas over the years and assisted boaters with their many and various boating requirements tirelessly. Boating was his passion.
Dicky always had an eye out for everyone on the dam. He was an active member of the National Sea Rescue Institute and had just been awarded his 40 year – long service award. He was the Station Commander of Station 22 Vaal Dam until 2016 and then served as Deputy Station Commander until 2022. When he stepped down as Station Commander, he was elected as the regional representative for Region 6 (Inland Stations) serving on the Operational Support Committee.
He was awarded a Rotary “Paul Harris Fellow” award, the highest reward Rotary can give. Over the years, he served not only the boating fraternity but the local Deneysville community in many different ways. He ran a voluntary fire protection service in Deneysville for many years and was a Police reservist at one stage. He was on the committee for the Deneysville Residents Association Against Crime for 9 years.
Many people around the country will know him while delivering boats to places as far afield as Walvis Bay. He loved driving his truck with its custom-made trailer and made the job look easy. No challenge was ever too big for him as his uncanny ability to problem solve and make a plan stood him in great stead and was a source of great admiration.