South Africa is still reeling from the diplomatic blitzkrieg of President Donald Trump’s first three weeks in office
South Africa is still reeling from the diplomatic blitzkrieg of President Donald Trump’s first three weeks in office
Even those who don’t know Esa Yacoob will know his famous pirate ship, the Jolly Roger
Paul Tomes and wife Mary-Clare are pioneering the concept of the pocket catamaran
The timing couldn’t be better for Suzuki Marine SA
Production milestones are flitting past like lampposts over at Gemini Marine
Kirsten Neuschäfer takes us on the remarkable journey of her boat
There’s about as much chance of Kirsten Neuschäfer settling down to the 9 to 5 grind as there is of Donald Trump becoming South Africa’s Minister for Social Welfare.
Global sailors Brent Crack and Mary Bevan have seen many wonders during their travels
SABBEX sadly announces the passing of Errol Plowes
What in the world is happening at SAMSA?