What are ISO standards and how do they relate to South Africa Standards
ISO (the International Organisation for Standardisation) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees.
ISO Standards are adopted as South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) for the Boat Building Industry via Technical Committee 188, chaired by MIASA. The TC188 meets annually and constantly monitors the development and revision of ISO standards via a committee. As international voting members of ISO, South Africa actively participates in the approval process of ISO.
ISO standards can be purchased from the SABS at a cost significantly lower than purchasing from an international online platform such as Rule Finder. The standards can be purchased electronically from the SABS online store
The SAMSA regs are different to the ISO content and should be reflected separately. They have adopted only a couple of compulsory ISO standards and mustn’t be conflated with the TC information
The Marine Industry Association of South Africa (MIASA) has developed a Boat Builders Plate for small vessels in South Africa.