Bayside Marine (Pty) Ltd

Inspired by servicing offshore oil & gas sector vessels, port tow tugs, navy and private defense vessels, work boats, fishing boats and tourism boats. Bayside Marine operates in Boat Building and Ship Repair Sectors where it offers its clients full project management services in Boat Building and Ship Repair Projects.
Mechanical Repairs:- We offer inspection, overhauling and servicing of the below mechanical items:
Mechanical winches
Tailshaft and rudder surveys
Onboard cranes
Steel Repairs:-
Hull repairs
General steel structure repairs
Fabrication work using Class approved material
General Services:-
Vessel Inspections
Project Management
Dry dock or Alongside Services
Logistical Support Services
Subcontractor Management
Subcontractor management: – As a project management company we also offer our clients subcontractor management services through our preferred service providers. These services would include the following:
Scaffolding services
Design and drawing services
Electrical repairs including rewinding of electrical motors.
Engine repairs
Blasting & coating services
Tank cleaning services
Chemist call-out services
Hydraulic repairs
Electronic repairs
NDT services
Carpenters and Joiners
Propeller polishing and repairs
Bayside Marine Boat builders and Design of Boats
Our international network offers us access to any design type and with our in-house designs we offer Fishing Boats, Bespoke RHIB (Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat) and Bespoke Barge.
Bayside Marine provides engineering design, cost estimation and project management.
Specialises in project management of building (manufacturing) commercial fishing fibre glass and wood boats with customers in the fishing industry and the team consist of experts that has been building multi-purpose vessels for the fishing industry since 1993, including fiberglass boats which are 40-45ft long.