Jeremy Bagshaw is going it alone – literally
Cape Town sailor, businessman and soon-to-be-adventurer Jeremy Bagshaw has sold his stake in his Simon’s Town rigging business, Cape Point Sailing & Rigging. Bagshaw sold his shares to Chris James and Craig Hulbert, two stalwarts of the South African mast manufacturing industry.
However, the Simon’s Town business continues in the capable hands of Marcello and Kenwin, both familiar faces in the deep south sailing community.
Bagshaw has his hands full preparing for next year’s Golden Globe Race; he will soon embark on a rigging journey of a different kind – in the deep ocean. He says he is happy to be handing over the business to create more time to train and prepare for his new adventure. “They (Hulbert and James) are individuals who are highly qualified and experienced in the rigging business and have a history going back many years,” Bagshaw said in a statement. “The skills and resources these individuals bring to the table will enable the business to grow beyond my wildest expectations.”
“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all our Clients and Suppliers for your support over the last three years. It has been much appreciated and has helped myself, Marcello and Kenwin build Cape Point Sailing & Rigging Co into a great little business,” Bagshaw said. “My contribution has been mostly from the business side of things and I must say that I have learnt an incredible amount from two of the most skilled sailors and riggers in the business. But the time has arrived where I am actually holding the growth of the company back and they need to move on to a new structure that will support and nurture their talents in ways that I cannot.”
“To Kenny and Marcello, thanks guys for the incredible experience of working alongside you both over the last three years,” he added.
Bagshaw has also extended an open invitation to former clients and suppliers to drop by his yacht Olleanna at False Bay Yacht Club for a beer or catch-up, before he disappears over the horizon.
But if you’re only interested in rigging then keep in touch with Marcello on 072 2948348 or