Vanessa Davidson sees signs that life might return to normal (ish)

Q: Back to level four lockdown. How has the sector responded? SABBEX was quick to respond on behalf of members during the first wave. Would you say yards are now able to take these restrictions in their stride?

Vanessa: The yards have their heads down and are getting on with production. Thankfully the current restrictions do not impact working hours and members are taking all precautions for their staff. I think we are all getting accustomed to the new protocols and it seems it takes a year to imbed habits. A good thing to remember when making those New Year resolutions!

Q: How are things looking overseas?  It would seem there is hope of normality returning. Boat shows re back on the cards? Will Boatica Cape Town go ahead?

Vanessa: Overseas it varies greatly and the vaccine rollout seems to be the key differentiator. I hear that the USA has a fairly high level of “normality” whilst countries in Europe vary significantly. Yes, we are delighted, Boatica will go ahead this year, the first weekend of October to accommodate the rescheduled Argus Cycle Tour. We are kick starting summer with Boatica and Messe Frankfurt have 2 scenarios planned that will accommodate different lockdown levels depending on where we are in October. It looks like the Annapolis and Cannes shows are going ahead. METS is happening as a hybrid event, with exhibitor bookings fully booked, and companies on a waiting list.

Q: What is your sense of the market?  Six months ago yards were reporting good order books. Is it still fairly buoyant?

Vanessa: Yes, I do think the market is still buoyant as purchasers see boating as a socially distanced activity.

Q: Back to Covid. Sounds like most yards had positive cases, but these were handled as per protocols.  Sounds like the yards were able to handle the infections without too much disruption. Was that your sense of it?

Vanessa: Unfortunately this Delta variant seems particularly contagious and positive cases are emerging. The yards all have stringent response measures. By keeping staff working in small groups or “bubbles” they are also able to manage the containment and isolation of small groups of staff, as opposed to the entire shop floor having to isolate which would be catastrophic for production and delivery dates. Planning ahead makes all the difference in our Covid world.

Q: Looking ahead, are there any major items on your SABBEX ‘to do’ list for the year ahead?

Vanessa: Our succession planning is a major item on our ‘to do’ list this year. Thina has been working with me for a year and a half now and towards the end of the year, she will step up and take over Executive Management of SABBEX. We are publishing a new industry directory again this year with funding support from the DTIC. It will only be available electronically and we are excited about a new look listing. We are waiting with baited breath to hear if the EMIA financial support for attending shows will be reinstated and hopefully Thina can physically attend Annapolis and Cannes. The Miami National Pavilion decision also hangs in the balance, but with a new show location in downtown and an expansion into the lifestyle sector, we see opportunity for companies other than boat builders to exhibit.

Q: You recently held the SABBEX AGM. Were any major challenges identified / anything to report?

Vanessa: 2021, is the year that SABBEX turns 20! Unfortunately, we can’t celebrate in person with an industry dinner to mark the achievement, but this is a huge milestone for the Council. I guess we will need to celebrate coming of age next year and receiving ‘the key’, hopefully to lots more sales for our members. The downturn in the yacht charter market continues to be a challenge but we are expecting that to change in 2022. Most yards are developing new models which is exciting. Back to our succession planning, Bruce Tedder indicated he will continue as Chairman for one more year and will mentor someone into the Chairmanship role during the course of the year. New Board members elected were Nathan Thwaites, Benny Bhali, Warren Fraser and Stuart McVitty. We welcome their new energy and business acumen to the Board. We also extended our grateful thanks to outgoing Board members Koorts Liebenberg and Jacque Brummer for their contributions and strategic vision over the years.

Q: How are things looking on the Blue Cape front?  Is the restructuring of TNPA potentially good news for Cape Town’s super yacht hub ambitions?  Presumably the new-look structure might enable TNPA to fast-track projects & plans..?

Vanessa: Blue Cape is cracking ahead with various projects and there is great traction. Linsay Oberholzer has joined us as Project Manager and she brings a wealth of sailing experience, networks and project management expertise. The restructuring of TNPA will hopefully improve efficiencies in the ports which will be positive for builders located in the ports and for companies launching in the ports. The Super Yacht hub is initially focused on the V&A Waterfront so there is potentially less benefit from the new-look structure, but let’s wait and see how it pans out. We have been waiting a long time for this TNPA re-structuring.

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